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Our Printronix Auto ID enterprise-grade ODV-2D printers have integrated barcode inspection systems that automatically grade barcode labels to ISO standards, which encompass ANSI standards, and ensure quality labels for high volume industries.
The cannabis industry is a highly regulated market that deals in high-value items that include cannabis plants, by-products, finished products, and shipping units.
When you hear the Internet of Things (IoT), your head might fill with images of cloud servers, blinking lights and electronic equipment. These images may not come to mind when you think of barcode labels.
TSC Printronix Auto ID partner TEKLYNX, known for its software to help companies around the world barcode better, recently published a blog, “
Our MB Series 4-inch light industrial printers are fast becoming one of our most popular printer series. Why?
Most thermal label printers sold today feature 203 dots per inch (dpi) print resolution or the popular 300 dpi resolution for smaller barcodes and fonts. This works for many labeling situations in shipping, logistics and retail marking.
RFID tag usage in the nongrocery retail sector has become very prominent, with 93 percent of North American retailers adopting RFID at varying stages as RFID delivers a great ROI and supports loss prevention ef
Mobile printers have been the fastest growing segment of on-demand thermal label printing for the past decade. Mobile printer use is growing in the retail, logistics and Direct Store Delivery fields.
Law enforcement and police departments have typically used evidence or property rooms to store valuable evidence collected from the field. Unfortunately, individual pieces of evidence can easily be lost, damaged, tampered with, or simply disappear.